Cancellation Policy

Mercury House

Cooling Off Period

This property allows you to cancel your booking within 7 days of making your deposit payment. Applying for cancellation within this cooling-off period means you will get your full deposit refund and will be released from the contract.

No Visa, No pay

Your booking can be cancelled for free if you are unable to get your travel Visa.

No Place, No Pay

Your booking can be cancelled for free if you are unable to meet academic requirements of your university of choice.

Full Policy

What if I want to cancel my booking?

You can cancel your booking up to 14 days after you accept your offer or pay your deposit (the Initial Cancellation Period), which reduces to 7 days from 1st August ahead of the academic year being booked, providing you have not already moved in to the property and we will refund your security deposit in full. Deposits will normally be refunded within 28 working days of cancellation, however our legal obligation as a landlord is to secure all deposits with a third party protection scheme. In the event that your deposit has already been sent to the protection scheme by the time you cancel your booking, your refund could take up to 60 days to be refunded due to the protection scheme’s processing period and your deposit refund will come directly from them – you will need your repayment ID which will be sent to you directly by the protection scheme. If the deposit has already been sent to the deposit protection scheme, unfortunately, we are unable to influence their processing time.

If you cancel your booking after the 14 day Initial Cancellation Period (7 days after 1st August), you will remain liable for the weekly rent (for each and every week or part week) until we are able to re-let the room. If we are able to re-let the room we will release you from the agreement upon payment of a £50 variation of contract fee which we will recover by retaining part or all of your deposit. If you have paid a lower deposit amount, that’s the amount that will be retained.

No Place No Pay
  1. Prospective first-year students who have applied to attend a University or a Higher Education Institution in any of the cities in which Universal Student Living operates, and who book a room with Universal Student Living, will be allowed to be released from their Tenancy Agreement if, as a result of not achieving the required A-Level, Scottish Higher (or equivalent) results, they do not gain a place at their chosen university and evidence is provided.
  2. Only new customers who have never lived at a Universal Student Living property are eligible.
  3. If a customer does not gain a place at their chosen University or College and wishes to be released from their Tenancy Agreement, they must provide Universal Student Living with evidence of their rejection and evidence of the reason why (proof of results achieved etc) no later than 3 working days after their results day.
  4. Evidence can be a written rejection letter from the University/College/UCAS, or a screenshot of the customer’s UCAS status along with the results etc. This can be emailed to or posted to Universal Student Living, Clock Tower Park, Longmoor Lane, Fazakerley, Liverpool, L10 1LD.
  5. Customers who do not apply to be released from their Tenancy Agreement within this timescale and provide the correct evidence will be bound by the terms and conditions set out in the Tenancy Agreement.
No Visa No Pay

  1. Prospective international students who have applied to attend a University or a Higher Education Institution in any of the cities in which Universal Student Living operates, and who book a room with Universal Student Living, will be allowed to be released from their Tenancy Agreement if they do not receive the entry Visa they require for their study in the UK and evidence is provided.
  2. Only new customers who have never lived at a Universal Student Living property are eligible.
  3. If a customer does not receive the entry Visa they require for their study in the UK and wishes to be released from their Tenancy Agreement, they must provide Universal Student Living with evidence of their refusal of entry to the UK to study no later than 7 days after notification of their refusal.
  4. Evidence can be a copy of the letter from the Home Office, UK Visas and Immigration service or other official Visa issuing body as well as a letter from the university, sponsor or institution where they were supposed to be studying. It must clearly show the student’s full name, address and date of issue. This can be emailed to or posted to Universal Student Living, 3 Clock Tower Park, Longmoor Lane, Fazakerley, Liverpool, L10 1LD.
  5. Customers who do not apply to be released from their Tenancy Agreement within this timescale will be bound by the terms and conditions set out in the Tenancy Agreement.

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